Text us at (917) 705-4027 with the Keyword: Specials and you will receive a discount!
Text us at (917) 705-4027 with the Keyword: Specials and you will receive a discount!
Cavi-Lipo is the newest technology in noninvasive liposuction. This treatment takes just 30 minutes and is great for people who want fat reduction, cellulite reduction and skin tightening all in one treatment.
Cavi-Lipo is one of the most advanced and efficient systems using Ultrasound Cavitation to breakdown fat cells. The released fat is then metabolized through the liver and released by natural means. Results are usually seen in the first treatment but it is recommended to have a series for best results. This treatment is great for men and women who want to reduce fat deosits on the belly, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, double chin, facial areas or any other troubled area. No pain, no downtime and you can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment.
The FDA has approved Cavi-Lipo for use in the United States. This technology has been used in over 50 countries with amazing result for the trearment of adipose (fat) areas and cellulite enhances skin elasticity, melts and moves fat. Takes the most advanced RF technique and energy, directly penetrates into deep seated cellulite.
Cavi-Lipo es la más nueva tecnología de liposucción no invasiva. Este tratamiento dura sólo 30 minutos y es ideal para personas que quieren reducir la grasa, la reducción de la celulitis y estiramiento de la piel en un solo tratamiento.
Cavi-Lipo es uno de los sistemas más avanzados y eficientes utilizando ultrasonido cavitación para las células de grasa de descomposición. La grasa liberada es metabolizada por el hígado y se libera de forma natural. Los resultados se ven generalmente en el primer tratamiento, pero se recomienda tener una serie de mejores resultados. Este tratamiento es ideal para los hombres y mujeres que quieren reducir los depósitos de grasa en el vientre, los muslos, las caderas, los senos, brazos, papada o cualquier otra área problemática. Sin dolor no hay tiempo de inactividad y se puede volver a sus actividades normales inmediatamente después del tratamiento.
La FDA ha aprobado Cavi-Lipo para su uso en los EE.UU.. Esta tecnología se ha utilizado en más de 50 países con resultados sorprendentes para el tratamiento de las zonas de celulitis y tejido adiposo (grasa). Morbi risus sem, egestas nec nisl sit amet, porttitor lobortis tellus. Sed fringilla imperdiet dictum. Fusce finibus turpis nec vestibulum laoreet. Cras ullamcorper eget purus et tristique. Nullam quam erat, porttitor interdum congue in, pulvinar non urna. Fusce nec mi dignissim, suscipit lacus hendrerit, pellentesque lectus. Suspendisse potenti.
Ultrasound Cavitation is a relatively new aesthetic treatment. Using leading edge technology it converts fat cells into a liquid which then can be naturally drained by the body’s own natural filtration system through the urinary tract and lymphatic system.
These procedures are being compared to liposuction but without any surgical procedures. Ultrasound Cavitation is the most advanced and effective non-invasive European method for eliminating stubborn cellulite and fat. Because of these characteristics, aesthetic experts have named it “Natural Liposuction”. The technique uses low frequency ultrasound waves that deplete stubborn fat cells under the skin. Ultrasonic Cavitation is the fastest non-surgical type of liposuction which is growing rapidly worldwide.
The treatment doesn’t usually show an immediate change, it depends on the body structure and metabolism. We recommend a one session per 4-5 days and not less than 6 to 15 sessions depending on the individual's desired results. A session lasts 30 minutes (15 minutes of effective ultrasound and 15 minutes of RF) and also depending on the patient’s body and the treated area. The interval between each session on average is every 3 to 4 days.
After the initial treatments are completed, maintenance treatments consist of 1 session each month for 4 months followed by one treatment every 4 months. Ask for our 6-15 session discount package programs.
This treatment is best suited for the average to moderately overweight person who has a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly. We want people to know exactly what to expect. Let us be clear this is not a miracle device that will strip away huge layers of built up fat in a single session. It is NOT for OBESE or SERIOUSLY OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE; and it is not practical or economical to use it as such. Instead, it is for those who have isolated areas of extra fat that are not helped by diet and exercise. But it is perfect for person who has no desire for surgery, and is looking for modest reductions in key problem areas.
If you’re a man or woman who can’t eliminate those stubborn bulges through healthy exercise and diet, and don’t want to undergo surgery (liposuction), then this non-surgical fat reduction technique may be for you.
Areas targeted are: Abdomen and Flanks (“love handles”), Thighs (“saddle bags”) and Buttocks, also Upper Arm and Inner knees and Male Breasts.
Results can sometimes be noticed after the first/two treatments with more improvement noticed within a few days. In our experience, we have found we can safely remove enough fat from a concentrated area, that it can easily be marked by using a measuring tape. One week of a good diet and an exercise would deliver a measurable reduction that is not necessarily noticeable. Please don't expect that after one session, like just one week of good diet and exercise make you appear slimmer.
You can either expect mild, moderate or dramatic inch loss. A series of measurements are made to the patient at the beginning and in the end of the session, to monitor the progress of the treatment. You can reduce up to 6 inches per area within 6 to 15 sessions.
Although we believe that this is a more permanent form of weight loss (because we destroy the cells in which the fat reside), we still encourage our clients to eat healthily and to exercise regularly. Thus, in conjunction with this treatment you should see how you slimmer and feeling great you look!
Similar to other slimming techniques, is a progressive fat elimination process. To get the best result, we recommend 6 to 12 treatments. All treatments requires special equipment and administration by a trained practitioner. The total cost of your procedure will vary depending upon the number of the body areas treated and the total number of sessions required to achieve your desired results.
We aim to help you to reshape your body and get your confidence back. Our treatments are a non-invasive treatment, which our customers have found to deliver results that they are thrilled with BUT it is NOT a miracle treatment.
Call us for your no cost consultation! or come experience Cavi-Lipo get six treatments and 7th free with radio frequency for $680
1728 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10461
Servicing Bronx NY and surrounding areas
(347) 691-3885 | (347) 691-3886
Text us at with the Keyword: Specials
Spa Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 8:00 pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only